Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Well after a very short stint on Murchison Downs Station, (12 Days - not long enough), we made a spur of the moment decision to head back to Victoria. We discussed it with the owners, and then decided to leave on Monday 22nd December. As we started on our way, we decided it would be quicker, cheaper and easier if we could leave the bus in W.A. We rang the owners of Bundear at Mullewa and asked if we could leave the bus in the shed. They said "Yep, anytime", so we parked the bus, threw the swags and the dogs in the back of the ute, and headed back. We didn't tell anyone apart from my mum and dad as we wanted to surprise the kids. Originally, we were not sure how long it would take us. We thought we might arrive a couple of days after Christmas. As we got travelling, (and those that know what Steve is like when he gets driving), we realised that we could get to my mum and dads Christmas day if we pushed it - so we did. We drove 5,000 kms in 3-1/2 days starting at 8.30am Monday and arrived at Drouin 1.30pm on Thursday (Christmas Day).
We probably only had approx 8 hours sleep the whole trip. We slept for an hour or so the first night in the car as we had to wait for a petrol station to open in Southern Cross. The second night we jumped into the swags at Eucla for a few hours and the third night we slept in the swags on the side of the road just out of Mildura. The dogs probably got the best deal out of it all as they could sleep whenever they liked and move around in the back of the tray when then liked, on top of that whenever we stopped they got a run, I don't think it was too good for Steve, his legs swelled up pretty bad and buggered him for a couple of days. Bit of a wake up call Ha Ha!! (getting old).

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