Wednesday, July 9, 2008


We head off for Cocklebiddy and the Cocklebiddy Cave today. The cave is actually closed but you can still drive down to it and have a look.

We had a head wind all morning and were travelling at about 65km per hour. It was a slow, long straight bit of road which included the longest straight stretch in Australia (146km). It just goes on and on and on. We were approaching the end of the straight when a truckie called us on the radio to let us know that there was a car and caravan rolled over just down the road. Everyone was okay though. You wouldn’t believe it, they were only 2kms from the end of the straight!!

In the afternoon the wind changed to a tail wind and we travelled a lot quicker and easier. We made it to Fraser Range Station where we decided to stay our first paid night in their Caravan Park. The Station was first settled in 1872 making it the first sheep station to be establised on the Nullarbor Plain. It is about 160km long by 25km wide. They have used some of the original buildings to make the park store and office and some quarters. It is quite unique

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