Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Next day, off to Laverton, pronounced Laver- ton after Dr Charles Laver. It’s a very friendly little town about 370kms north of Kalgoorlie with a population of about 260. It is one of the richest areas of gold bearing country in Western Australia and going by the people coming and going through the C/van park I would believe it, not to mention wherever you drive around the bush you bump into campers out prospecting. The town is all that big, a lot of places are closed down. There is a Supermarket (basic), post office, servo/hardware, police station, pub, caravan park, shire office and a hospital. There is a doctor here Mon-Fri. A dentist visits every couple of months.

Once we got settled in I had a few words to the Park owner Kevin who pointed us in the direction of Hawkes Nest about 20kms out of town. This area was the “go to” spot for newcommers and as Kevin put it, the best spot to learn how to differentiate ironstone from gold and other noises your Detector makes around here. For the next few days we wandered around Hawkes Nest picking up all sorts of crap, eventually deciding to look around for our own areas.

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